Prediction for the US Presidential Election | Big Umbrella
The prediction for the US Presidential Election has already published in astrological journal ‘Planets and Forcast’ by Prof Dr Tapomay Ghoshhajra. The data and supporting images are there with this article to analyze the planetary positions and action. The data came later to us, we are sorry for the inconvenience of our readers.
Now the pandemic period is continuing around the globe. In the celestial sphere, most major planets like Saturn in Capricorns own house, Jupiter in Sagittarius, own house, Mars in Aries, own house, Mercury with Sun in Virgo, own house, Venus in Leo, Rahu in Taurus, Ketu in Scorpio and Moon in Rohini Taurus as on 6th October, 2020. ASCENDANT IS VIRGO.
Let us examine the horoscope of two candidates who are contestants for the same.
Now, see the horoscope of Joe Biden where he was born as Scorpio Ascendant and Moonsign Aries in Ashwini constellation. For this ascendant, Jupiter being the 2 ndand 5 thlord located in Exaltation in 9 thhouse (Cancer Sign) and Moon being 9 thlord located in Aries in Kutu’s Nakshatra are Yoga Karaka (means Excellent combination).
Like to read more, click on on November 4, 2020.