Religion & religious saints of India — part 8

2 min readJan 27, 2020


Religion & religious saints of India — part 8 (Shri Shyama Charan Lahiri)
Religion & religious saints of India — Shri Shyama Charan Lahiri. Image Courtesy — Wikipedia.

Shri Shyama Charan Lahiri

Ascendant — Leo (Simha)

Moon Sign — Gemini (Mithun)

Nakshatra — Mrigasira

Vargottama — Mars

Shri Shyama Charan Lahiri was born on 30 thSeptember in 1828 (13 thAshwin 1235) on Tuesday, Krishna Saptami at 3 am 03 min 00 sec at Lucknow.

While explaining the horoscope of Shyama Charan Lahiri, we found that he was born in the Ascendant Leo (Simha) and Moon Sign was Gemini (Mithuna). Lord of fifth and eighth, Jupiter is in the 3 rdhouse and the lord of ninth house, Mars (also 4 thlord) is located in the fifth house i.e. Sagittarius (Dhanu).

Tenth and third lord Venus is located in the 12 thhouse along with 6 thand 7 thlord, Saturn. From Moon Sign, Jupiter (with Mercury) is located in the fifth house. These are the noteworthy factors by which he achieved religious power.

As per the record, Shyama Charan Lahiri had been working in the defense sector and posted in Almora (Uttar Pradesh). One day, while sleeping, he had a nice dream — a monk was calling him to meet immediately. He met the saint and found that his Guru was asking to sit in a place; then he transformed his religious power by performing Diksha(sacramental), and his Guru died after some time.

Shyama Charan obtained the power to reach anywhere in the world by performing Yoga and high order transcendental power for the betterment of distressed persons throughout the life. He died on 26 September at 5:25 PM in the year 1895 at the time of Mahastami Sandhi Puja. The people of India faced a great loss by the demise of Shri Shyama Charan Lahiri.

Originally published at on January 27, 2020.




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